Imagining your concepts and bringing you ideas to life through social media

Digital Marketing

At Pictama Ltd we believe that digital marketing can really help any individual or company achieve there goals

Marketing is an essential aspect of any business, regardless of its size or industry. It involves promoting products or services to a target audience to increase sales and revenue. Effective marketing can help a business grow and develop a brand, making it recognisable and trustworthy. At Pictama studios, we understand the importance of marketing in achieving business goals, and we strive to meet our clients’ needs through our services.

Services for Social Media

The Complete Package

Flexible Pricing
  • 3-4 Posts Per Week
  • Montly Reports and Analytics
  • Book a meeting with me at any point
  • Social Media Interactions
  • Stories and Story Highlights
  • Monthly Calendar of Posts
  • Fully Managed By Us

Let's get Started

Flexible Pricing
  • 2-3 Posts Per Week
  • Monthly Reports and Analytics
  • Book a Meeting with me once a Month
  • Social Media Interactions
  • We'll Post Your Content
  • Monthly Calendar of Posts

Social Media Essentials

Flexible Pricing
  • Content Ideas
  • 1-2 Posts Per Week
  • Monthly Meetings
  • You Organise & Post Your Content
  • Monthly Calendar View of Posts

We know every business requires something different. Above are some examples of what we can do for you. Contact us today today and lets talk about what you need as a business to achieve your goals. Free consultation with me.  

Contact us for more information

We can discuss terms as well as costs further down the line when we know your business needs we can accommodate to budgets and goals.